
DeSantis’s Largest Donor Bails

Following staff layoffs and a campaign shakeup, presidential candidate Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has now lost his biggest donor.

The donor, one of the most prominent people backing DeSantis’s campaign, spoke publicly to reporters about his decision.

Robert Bigelow, founder of Budget Suites of America and Bigelow Aerospace, told Reuters that he spoke to DeSantis’s campaign directly about shifting to more moderate positions.

“He’ll lose if he doesn’t,” he said, referring to DeSantis’s attempt to take on former President Donald Trump. “Extremism isn’t going to get you elected.”

He said his funding would not resume for the campaign “until I see that he’s able to generate more on his own.”

“I’m already too big a percentage,” Bigelow claimed. “A lot of his donors are still on the fence.”

When asked to identify the issues that ultimately led to his decision, Bigelow cited some of DeSantis’s “extreme positions” on various policy issues, including the six-week abortion banned passed in Florida in April.

Bigelow specifically called out the window as being too short and before many women realize they are pregnant.

However, in the same interview, Bigelow said he remains convinced DeSantis is “the best guy for the country”.

Bigelow is the campaign’s largest individual donor, giving over $20 million to the Never Back Down pro-DeSantis super PAC.

Rough Stretch for DeSantis Drags On

Despite attempts to reassure donors and supporters over the past month, DeSantis’s campaign has gone through major changes.

He reportedly faces a cash crunch despite support from major donors and recently laid off a third of his campaign staff.

His team said the cuts were an effort to “streamline operations and put Ron DeSantis in the strongest position to win this primary”, but polls show him down double digits to former President Trump.

Even in the early states he is said to be focusing on, the latest polls show Trump ahead of DeSantis by a full 24 points.

1 Comment

  1. Careful, because the day the Right actually unites – like the Left has always done -they would have no problem taking their country back.
    But the Right lacks leadership because no individual can ever please enough of them. They will nit-pick anyone who would do what needs to be done, because they’re still caught up in a virtue/tolerance competition with the Left – the smartest game/trap the Left ever set up.

    So the Right’s main mindset is to think they can somehow win just by proving they’re more fair, open minded and tolerant than the Left, and this should eventually convince the Left that they’re right.
    Yet this is exactly how the Left takes advantage of them, and must be laughing their heads off behind closed doors.
    But the Right will remain stuck in this struggle because they value their own sense of their reputation far more than their freedom and their country.

    This prevents them from all agreeing on any effective plan of action, enabling a solid leadership.
    And they will vote for someone they know can’t win, knowingly handing the victory to democrats, just to prove they have a right to disagree with something about their only candidate who stands a chance. In other words, the Right is trammeled with deliberate saboteurs who value “making a statement” more than saving their freedom – thus it’s no mystery why the “moral majority” continually lose ground to the Lefts increasing insanity. Their egos refuse to see the oncoming train about to run them over.

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