
House Finally Censures Adam Schiff

Exactly one week after a previous effort failed, House Republicans pulled together to censure Democrat Representative Adam Schiff.

The measure was introduced by freshman Representative Anna Paulina Luna of Florida.

“The perpetrator of this web of deceit became mainstays on cable news, waking up every morning with one goal: to lie, lie, lie to the American people that there was direct evidence of Russia collusion,” Luna said in a speech before the vote.

The measure requires the House Ethics Committee to open an investigation into Schiff’s actions during the investigation into former President Donald Trump, including his “lies, misrepresentations, and abuses of sensitive information” about collusion between Russia and Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Luna met with the 20 Republican dissenters from the first round and secured their support after removing language about fining Schiff $16 million, or half the cost of former special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Trump.

Chaos in Chamber After Vote

After the vote, Schiff was ordered to stand on the House floor and receive a verbal rebuke from Speaker Kevin McCarthy. Chaos ensued as Democrat erupted and Republicans answered back.

As Schiff headed the the floor, his party members applauded and sympathetically patted him on the back.

Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) seemed to conduct a “Shame! Shame! Shame” chant by the crowd of Democrats as McCarthy prepared to read.

Eric Swalwell (D-CA) turned his ire directly on McCarthy, calling him “pathetic” and “weak”.

Republicans seemed amused at the antics for the most part, though some jeered back.

Some followed the Democrats’ chants of “Shame” with “on Schiff”.

Representative Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY) at one point yelled, “$32 million dollars on your charade” in a reference to the total cost of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into the 2016 election.

When Schiff was called to the floor for his formal admonishment, Matt Gaetz (R-FL) shouted “woo!” and clapped.

Luna relished in the congratulatory remarks from her fellow party members after the process was complete.

As she exited the chamber, she turned back toward Democrats and issued a warning: “I’m here for two years, guys.”


  1. This all just shows the evil root of our Congress. Democrats all know that Trump was and is innocent of their accusations, but he’s a threat to their hegemony. Republicans know that he threatens their “Oh poor me” Donation appeal to Americans so they can “fight the evil Democrat machine.” There’s a lot of evil in that building, and it’s brought in by a huge percent of the members. Who have and are lying to each of us. They’re the old dog you give the new, comfy bed to who tears it apart when you go shopping or craps on it when you want him to enjoy it.

  2. Can you believe cheering for the biggest liar this country has seen. Hope the Democrats are proud to partner with this guy!!!!!

  3. The Democrat Party is the party of lies of which their father is Satan of whom Jesus said, “That Satan is a liar from the beginning and the father of all lies.” In the book of Revelation in the Bible it states that all liars shall have their part in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone. So all of the liars will be with their father of all lies Satan, which is Satan’s ultimate destination the lake of fire.

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