
Protesters Still March Outside Homes of Conservative Justices

US Supreme Court Building

Over one year since the leak of the Supreme Court’s draft decision overturning Roe v. Wade sparked massive protests outside the homes of conservatives on the court, protest groups still march regularly.

After the leak, up to 100 protesters gathered outside the family homes of conservative Supreme Court justices, loudly chanting and marching up and down their streets.

The Court formally requested that officials in Virginia and Maryland enforce anti-picketing laws after an armed man was arrested near Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh’s home after traveling with the intent to assassinate the justice.

Today, US marshals remain on guard outside the homes of conservative Supreme Court justices.

While the protests have become smaller, there are still groups of about a dozen protesters that regularly gather in front of the homes, chanting and carrying signs and singing songs as they move along a route from house to house.

Despite laws preventing the “picketing and parading” of federal judges with the intent of influencing a judge, the Justice Department has not brought any charges against the lingering protesters.

The Marshals Services is a bureau of the Justice Department under the control of Attorney General Merrick Garland.

He has repeatedly emphasized that the marshals role is to “protect the lives and property of the members of the court,” but training materials show marshals are being actively discouraged from arresting protesters for fear of violating their First Amendment rights.

He also said he wants to relinquish responsibility for the justices’ protection to the Supreme Court police.


  1. Arrest them all and stop pussy footing around with these morons. Give them 1 year in Federal prison. I bet they will think twice about harassing the court Justices again.

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