
Grand Jury to Meet in Trump Documents Case

The federal grand jury hearing evidence in the investigation of former President Donald Trump’s handling of classified documents will meet again this week after a lapse in activity.

Prosecutors on Special Counsel Jack Smith’s team have been presenting evidence and testimony to the grand jury for months, but recently their activity has ground to a halt.

However, according to people familiar with the investigation, the grand jury will meet again at least once this upcoming week in Washington DC.

Reporting from sources around the courthouse determined prosecutors are attempting to answer two central questions: did Trump wrongfully retain classified material after leaving the White House, and did he obstruct the government’s effort to later retrieve classified materials from Mar-a-Lago.

The Justice Department has not commented on the status of the investigation and it’s unclear whether prosecutors still intend to seek an indictment at this point.

If Smith does decide to indict Trump, it will be the first time a former president is charged with a federal crime.

It’s also difficult to say, in such a situation, whether the case would go to trial before the 2024 election. Trump already faces a March 2024 for the hush money case in New York.

Similar Charges Dismissed for Pence

A letter obtained Friday by Politico revealed the Justice Department has ended its investigation into former Vice President Mike Pence’s handling of classified documents without charges.

That investigation was opened when Pence voluntarily allowed an attorney to search his private home in Indiana after classified documents were found in President Joe Biden’s private home in Delaware.

Biden’s case has been handled strictly behind doors so far and there have been no significant updates.

Trump reacted to the news of Pence’s case being dropped on Truth Social.

“That’s great, but when am I going to be fully exonerated, I’m at least as innocent as he is,” Trump posted to his social media platform.


  1. I would think the DOJ has more important things to do e.g. 4 years of Hunter Biden, Biden Crime Family, etc.

  2. The JusticeDept. does have more important things to do, except right now their politicized main mission is to mess Trump up enough so he will not be able to run next year. They will spend as much effort as they can on that and chasing real criminals can just go by the boards. Their main mission will be to “get Trump.”

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