
Biden Takes a Tumble at Air Force Academy

After multiple incidents of stumbles and near-misses, President Joe Biden had a big fall on stage after his commencement address to Air Force graduates.


Biden delivered his address and remained on stage for a few hours as diplomas were awarded to graduates.

As he walked off the stage, he appeared to trip over a sandbag that had been weighing down teleprompters.

He managed to get an arm out in front of him as he hit the ground with some force, landing on his right hip. He was helped up by Air Force officials and was able to walk away on his own.

<a href=”https://twitter.com/jacobkschneider/status/1664343681321541636?s=46&amp;t=yPQEK6xpormdvAPRBJbh8A”>Footage of the fall</a> quickly circulated on social media.

“He’s fine. There was a sandbag on stage while he was shaking hands,” White House communications director Ben LaBolt later tweeted.

After landing back in Washington DC, Biden was met by reporters where he joked he “got sandbagged” and was fine.
<h2>Trump Reacts</h2>
During an event on Thursday, <a href=”https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4030817-trump-responds-to-bidens-fall-on-stage-well-i-hope-he-wasnt-hurt/”>someone in the crowd</a> informed Trump that Biden had fallen.

“Well, I hope he wasn’t hurt,” Trump responded.

“You gotta be careful about that because you don’t want that, even if you have to tiptoe down the ramp,” he added, alluding to his precarious walk down a slippery ramp at the West Point Military Academy in 2020.

“That was the best speech I think I’ve ever made, and it was pouring rain and it was horrible and cold and windy,” he went on to say. “And they have a ramp that was pure like an ice-skating rink, and it was like 25 feet long.”

“[The general] has boots on, you know big combat boots and their rubber soles. I have nice, leather [shoes], and I say, ‘You know what general, get ready. If I grab you, you just get ready cause I have this stupid ramp that somebody put up.’”

He lamented that the media focused on his “tiptoe” down the ramp and never covered the content of his speech.


  1. We can never expect anything good from the corrupt and biased mainstream media when it come to covering anything good that Trump does. We have given up on their honesty in news. They must be controlled by our enemies?

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