20 Republicans Join Democrats to Defend Adam Schiff

Twenty House Republicans joined Democrats in a defense of Adam Schiff (D-CA) and effectively killed the measure to censure him, despite party leadership backing the resolution.

According to several Republicans, party leadership supported the resolution to censure Schiff but did not whip votes for it.

The measure called for censuring and condemning Schiff “for conduct that misleads the American people in a way that is not befitting an elected Member of the House of Representatives.”

It also directed the Ethics Committee to investigate Schiff’s “lies, misrepresentations, and abuses of sensitive information” in regard to his statements about collusion between Russia and former President Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Those included Schiff’s promotion of the controversial Steele dossier, which was later found to be baseless despite being used as justification for investigating Trump.

The resolution also called for fining Schiff $16 million dollars if the Ethics Committee investigation found wrongdoing, representing half the cost of former special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Trump.

Breaking Down the Vote

Democrats introduced the motion to table the resolution and all voted in favor, other than a few that voted present.

The twenty Republicans who voted with Democrats are: Kelly Armstrong (ND), Lori Chavez-DeRemer (OR), Juan Ciscomani (AZ), Tom Cole (OK), Warren Davidson (OH), Brian Fitzpatrick (PA), Kay Granger (TX), Garret Graves (LA), Thomas Kean Jr. (NJ), Kevin Kiley (CA), Young Kim (CA), Mike Lawler (NY), Thomas Massie (KY), Tom McClintock (CA), Mark Molinaro (NY), Jay Obernolte (CA), Mike Simpson (ID), Mike Turner (OH), David Valadao (CA) and Steve Womack (AK).

Representatives George Santos (NY) and Darrell Issa (CA) voted present. Santos had posted a video on Twitter just hours before the vote arguing Schiff needed to be investigated. It is not clear why he voted present.

After the vote, Schiff said he was “frankly surprised” and praised the Republicans who voted to defend him for standing up to “the crazy MAGA folks”.


  1. Shiff and the democrats attacked our president ruthlessly during his term in office. And Shiff lied repeatedly. Only politicians could support liars like that. I’m disappointed and embarrassed by
    Ciscomani voting in favor of him. DISCUSTING.

  2. These are the ones we all have to remember………Vote these Rino’s out of office.
    They stuck up for the biggest liar next to Biden, in Washington DC .
    Adam Schiff needs to be prosecuted for lying to Congress on multiple occasions.

    • The resolution was unconstitutional. If passed it would have cost thousands or more in the courts and would have been ruled unconstitutional anyway. Everyone knows Schiff is guilty, but let’s do it the right way.

  3. This should have gone through. Schiff lied for 3 years on the House floor about having evidence of collusion. I called my rep and told them this is why people hate the Republican party. This was just ANOTHER time the Republicans showed they have no backbone!
    The reason I read is the fine. But without the fine it’s just a slap on the wrist because censure does nothing!!!!
    Now this slime is running around talking this as a badge of honor( from a man who couldn’t tell you meaning of the word).
    I don’t care if it could be used against the Republicans because it maybe would be good! Many of them are corrupt too!

    • This vote was a litmus test and it failed. Republicans have ZERO backbone. They support the LIAR IN CHIEF for what benefit to them? It certainly doesn’t benefit the American people.

  4. No wonder we are having trouble taking back our country. Some people will never learn and I hope the people remember this when elections happen!

  5. I hope the constituents of these 20 politicians remember this come re-election. remove the McCain traitors

  6. Democrats always fight their crucial fights like a pack of dogs: always United! When will the stupid elected Republicans learn their lessons. They make us, their supporters and backers look ridiculous to the rest of the worlds. They all need solid Spine( backbone) transplants. All they are interested is, take our money and votes, and then, do nothing!!!!!

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